Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

We are a domiciliary care agency, registered with the CQC, and we provide care for clients in their own homes. We need to gather quite a lot of personal data about you in order to put together your bespoke care plan as we need this to be able to provide you with safe and effective care.

We will need to share your information with Versacare staff and Versacare carers who support you, who have all been trained in Data Protection legislation and their responsibilities under it, and signed a contract binding them to uphold it. Our Registered Managers are our Data Protection Officers (DPOs).

We may need to share your information with Health and Social Care professionals such as GPs, DNs, Social Services, OTs and physios, in order to provide the best care possible, as well as comply with all legal requirements. We may need to share your information with your family members and advocates as detailed on your care plan.

We will always ask you (or your advocate/family member if needed) for consent to provide care and to share your information, as detailed above. We will always do so before we commence provision of care for you.

You can instruct us to NOT to share your information with named organisations or individuals – if this is requested, we will explicitly detail this on your invidual care plan and continue to provide care, as long as we are safely and effectively able to do so.

You can refuse to give consent to share your information, as detailed above. If this is the case we will immediately cease contact with you and will no longer provide our services. You can contact us at any time if you wish to re-instate consent to share information.

You can withdraw consent at any time. Please call us to discuss on 0800 008 7661 or email us at or write to us at our Head Office (address above). We do ask that a request to withdraw consent is submitted in writing, either by email or by letter to Head Office.