Supported Living

VersaCare is a friendly Care Agency specialising in highly personalised 24 hour Live-In Care, across the UK, with local Care Managers. We pride ourselves on our flexible, friendly but professional Live-in service offered to our clients and our highly trained workers.

We strive always to attract the best, most qualified staff and provide superior levels of service. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive, competitive and flexible Live-in service to clients and care workers, whilst striving to achieve excellence in customer service and satisfaction.

Supported Living with a Live-in Carer

We currently provide live-in support for many young people with physical and mental disabilities, within a supported living environment in the community, working with other agencies and Housing associations.

The specialist Service we provide will consist of any or all of the following:

  • Understanding body language
  • Communicating using picture symbols
  • Prompting and support with cooking and domestic work such as laundry, shopping, cleaning
  • Accompanying day centre activities, hobbies and outings
  • Documents (such as complaints and quality assurance surveys) with pictures and symbols (makaton)
  • Attending meetings and reviews
  • Reablement and Respite Care
We can also offer support through Reablement and Respite Care.

To find out about any Funding & Benefits that may be available to you, click here.